Friday, April 29, 2011

My Diet

When I posted my new haircut photo with Aly in Facebook, I received a few comments from friends and family congratulating me on my weight loss.  I'm flattered and thankful.  I did lose 2 kilos (around 4lbs) but I think I'm slowly gaining it all back no thanks to our five-day trip back home and PMS.  Grrr...  Must.  Diet.  After.  My.  Period.  
Anyhoo, I'm going to share with you how I did it:  South Beach Diet (SBD) phase 1 for two weeks.  I should be on phase 2 now, but with the trip back home and PMS, sira ang diet ko.  Plus, they say you're supposed to lose 8-13lbs in the first two weeks but I kinda had some cheat days so I only lost 4.  Oh well, better than nothing, right?
I cheated with a Starbucks caramel frap on my first week.  But if you noticed, I asked them to hold the whipped cream (my favorite part) so I won't feel too guilty.  Haha!  
I have to thank my lunch buddy Jo-ann for introducing me to this.  She went on the diet too and she dropped down to 4 dress sizes.  Wow!  So I bought the book, read it and planned our meal according to the diet's principles.  Richard went on the diet too and I think he lost more weight because he's more disciplined than me.  Heehee!  In a nutshell, SBD is no carbs, no sugar for the first two weeks.  No rice, no bread, no pasta, no potatoes...just lots of salads, soup and grilled meat.
A sample of what we ate on our first week: baked chicken breast with pesto and mozzarella cheese.
I'm not going to lie to you: it wasn't exactly a walk in the park but the good thing is, I was able to lessen my cravings which is exactly the end goal of SBD.  I can also make do with less sugar in my morning coffee which is a great start!  Plus, knowing that I made it through those two weeks makes me confident that I can do it again.  I think that's the best part, right? 
One week of SBD phase 1.  
I have a looong way to go but at least I know there's hope for me.  Hehe!
Till the next weight loss update!  Wish me luck! :)

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